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We have a problem!


Seventeen years after the current congressman was elected, murders, carjackings, rapes, homelessness, and poverty have skyrocketed. He has neglected a majority of the 50,000 veterans who live in Shelby County. He has neglected us! This is the year we put a stop to his corruption and disdain for us. 

Your donation will help make sure we have the resources need to save the 9th district! An individual can contribute up to a maximum of $3,300 to a candidate pursuing a federal office in EACH single election cycle. That means you can give $6,600 to a single candidate in an election year; $3,300 during the primary campaign, and another $3,300 more during the general election. However, we truly appreciate ANYTHING you can do to help us WIN!


If you wish, you can make checks payable to Bergmann for Congress and mail to:

Bergmann for Congress
4310 High Plains Road
Memphis, TN 38135

Vote Charlotte


Our problem is the current congressman! We have been sending this man to Washington to represent us for 17 years. He doesn't represent who we are. He doesn't represent our values. His lifestyle doesn't represent who we are. He doesn't represent the kind of life Memphian deserves.  He doesn't represent the people who live here according to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Of course, every two years, he will show up; make token gestures to get the people's vote, only to almost disappear until the next election.

It's time to solve this problem by firing him and send a REAL Memphian to Washington. This man is known as a JOKE in Washington.

I represent our values. I represent the future for every boy and girl growing up in Memphis. I represent the kind of lifestyle and prosperity we want to have for every Memphian.

It's time to send a problem solver to Washington. It's time to send me, Charlotte Bergmann to Washington to represent you.

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Charlotte Works For The People!

Government's proper role is to unleash the creativity for high paying, skills-based jobs and opportunities. The people also need a Representative who will work for THEM, and not use politics for self glory, but will work for:

Stronger Jobs and the Economy Help for Veterans Law and Justice Protect the Children and Babies

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